Monday, March 28, 2011

to be saying the truth..


i've had been away for quite a long time in updating my blogs.. so the truth is... saya berasa amat malas untuk on9 apatah lagi untuk keluar berjimba ramba dengan rakan taulan.. sangatlah tidakk.. hahah... so.. as a result.. lots of people said that they missed me.. so... i miss them back.. hahah...

to be frank.. many thing had had happen lately.. and all these event put me in the thinking part.. do i really need to be in that situation to or else.. for example, i was a couple was fighting okay it's a married couple actually.. then i came across to read a novel that was really vice versa to it.

and for that.. i think.... do i want my LIFE to be like the married couple or the married couple in the novel... to it i feel bound to something.. i really wanna say this here... but due to rule and regulation it seems that i can't.. i really want to share it with someone with high security vault system.. hahaha... muka rock... hati macam marshmallow haha... sangat macam nak kena terajang kuat kuat dengan orang tu... hahah.... siapakah dia?? rahsia.. hahah..

well what ever... and also i came across to think of this said from izzul syafiq mazlan..

"you need to believe in the process of karma if don't believe in karma, and if you don't believe in it means you don't believe in GOD"

same goes with this that i kept saying nowadays because it may leads to many meaning literally and connotatively .

"the world still cannot be in peace if there still madness in one’s head"

but for me the real words really differ to my intention in my mind actually... well so what ever i think it will only leads to one thing...


i may not good in wisdom.. but this is the thing that i always relate to in life.. i kept teaching people with this word:-

"it's good to have emotions but do not let emotion have you"


"be positive in what you're doing"

but me myself cant' do so...

enough with the philosophy.. the thing i want to mention is that...


aku tengah sangap nak pi korea... hahaha... boleh macam tu?... hahaha... bukan tu.... aku pon nak tiset fahrin ahmad jugak!!... hahaha tiada kena mengena pon sebenarnya... saja nak mengena.. hahaha... so on so forth... otak aku yang agak tintong ni dah kembali tintong bila aku sudah tidak mengenali budak kecik dua orang tu..

haha... my niece actually... kakak adeq.. huhuh...

so in the end i end up to like my life and in the mean time to hate it as well... 

P/S: kepada DIA... is hugged enough for you??.. when i asked what more you say i was being greedy...    sangat menarik hahah...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

i think this is it..

i don't know why i always put on title that always make me confused with my own attention... well leave that aside... the intention of putting those kind of headers i think it is because to attract people to read it... but i don't mind actually...

this time i have a really big wisdom that i think i kept it not too long... enough to make it ripe when you squeeze it.. i'm writing this at 7-18pm and i have few minutes to spare before i went for THE last occasion before the history of my life will be changed entirely and starting myself a new 'diary' for new environment remembrance...

as we all know that the quote of

a picture that explains thousand expressions something about that.. well look at the picture closely.. i have kept this picture for almost 3 years and it still the kind of picture that give me wisdom and thoughts of dwelling with everyday matters..

its the vision of many clusters of stars and a wonder.. have you ever wonder that by looking at this picture you will gain calm and not to be brought into many calamities..

so think if a picture can give you calm how about something else... find something that can always calm you without wasting your money just maybe to buy a large teddy bear.. well it came in handy.. but event a picture on a billboard can give you many thoughts... have you ever thought about that...

this might sound absurd.. yet still i'm asking my readers to answer this... have you??

Sunday, March 6, 2011


yesterday was superb... finally something good and sweet happened.. although last only for a short period of time and i know that it is something not the best i should do.. but in the end who cares... as long as i have fun and i am liking it..

i don't know what am i supposed to do right now because as far as i concerned i have butterfly in my stomach and it made feel woozy.. hahah... i don't mind... because i know the real attention of what is actually happening to me...

i'll try my best to not let myself be...........................

hmmm.... something need to be shout out... 

as i also knew from now on i'm almost in the end of the journey.. i'll be missing everyone here.. especially to those whom had been so kind to me.. it feel sad man... because who knew and who can predict the future.. we might see each other again but and we might not see each other EVER again.. so now i just put myself in a very comfortable and getting low..






farah nadia






and few names i don't want to mention.... i'll remember you guys always...