Thursday, December 9, 2010

im back!!...

omg!!.. it have been a while i hadn't update my blog... Gosh!!...

there is something happen to me... i've been invited to an event like no other.. =.="... and why i didn't update my blog is because of:

  • lettey....
  • single-handed typing...
  • no time for own leisure (yeye j)...
  • hatred...
  • mengantuk!~~~...
hooo..... but i don't think that it's the main problem....xkuase, mak penat nokss busy(zackie's word)... but this is the real story...


I WAS INVITED TO AN ACCIDENT.... and it was so whore-riffic!!

time : 12.30p.m
date : 15/11/2010
venue : sungai bogak, bagan serai, perak.. (kalo bodoh sgt google)
partner : HIS MOM!!

we were riding a motorcycle and we were actually on our way back to penang from my sister house at taiping... due to some occasion (naek court bayar saman... *bajet tanak bg tawu*)...

me : mak.. nak balik jalan mna ni??
mom : umm... mak teghingin nak makan kt bagan serai... mak makan dgn ba hari tue sedap.. ikut jalan lamalah

lalalalala~~~ of we go to the restaurant my mom would want to go....

arriving at that destination...

me : kedai tutup la mak.... gu mana nie??
mom : xpa la.. kita balik makan megi j la kt ghumah...
me : yayy!!!... megi!!.... ^_^
mom : adeq masak..
me : yayy!!... =.="

lalalalala~~~ of we go taking our journey back to penang..

at the tragic scene...


~~ My mom ~~
~~ My son ~~
and we got a souvenir for the event..

this is my 'gift'

this is mom's 'gift'

and i was like *pfftt*...

ok.... frankly i like this because it gave me a new experience in getting my hand plated with metal.. but there is also something that i don't like when i recap or having flashback...

but the best part is..... muahahahaha..... KAKAK2 PRACTICAL KAT HOSPITAL SUME 'MESRA' DENGAN AQ... HOHOHO..... suke2 (=^_^=)..

*sory syg... i can't help it...

as i was aware that the meranti's registration is on the 22/11/2010.... i need to be mentally stable and not to freak out because i cant really be there on time... and i decided to go back to shah alam on the 25/11/2010.. and by the help of my allies i manage to pull a 'scam' on someone.. and i missed my bloods dearly.. especially along.. but in the end i got a BARBARIAN SLAP and a THAI KICK for pulling the 'joke'.. ok.... the kick is only exaggeration.. she's not that high to do so... i still have my 'armor' to protect me... activate... TANGAN BESI!!!..

hahahah..... that was the first part of being slapped =.="

xsedor ke diri dengan handicapnye.... sempat lagi menggila.... macam org normal... oii jantan... ko tu handicap... buat la cara handicap.... haddoii yaiyy!!...

intec's library with dini's shawl yg agak busok!!..

sempat menggatal dalam hujan...

gatal kan pelok2 aq... hahaha...
*soryy... namaw cubit nahh... O:-)

yang penting.... sempat uolls pegi menjalang kat tgk Natrah kat is istana budaya... photoshoot jgn ckp la...... adew j yg nk amek gambaq dgn aq.... letteyy...

sesi meng'gewdix' with farah wazer and sue

arriving at Istana Budaya and org yg berjaya dress-up
(miss sally tanak kalah taw.. hehe~~)

mike freaks me out

maya karin!!!... aaaaaa!!!!...

remy ishak...... ummm.... aaa... mmmm maybe...

umie aida uollss... old time diva..

 adew jugak candid deme 2 org ni haa.... mumu btol... hahah

in the end aq dgn zackie gak mcm paris hilton and kim kardashian.. hohoho

2 days after that... boleh plak g menggedik menari2 tarian 1 malaysia dekat dataran merdeka.. dengan handicapnye boleh menari 9 tarian... 9 uollss.... hahahahaha....

arriving BEFORE 6 AM!!... dedicate taw.. hahaha

sebelom event bermula..

antara budak tesl yg wujud la... mls nk list sume... hohoho...

me and syidah

jalangnity of the jalangness

ble athir dah menggedikk...

athir dan mak ayam berbaju purple.... dy yg jd instructor... hohoh

i took this picture.... artistic sgt uollss

me and one of the hotstuff.. irfa

hahahaha.... amenn... hohoho....

sbnrnya aq ni mcm nk tanak j hahaha..... xuplod nnt kne hancor... hooo

masculine guy derr..

in the end of the dance is....

tapak yg tertinggal hahaha...

zackie yg amat bedikasi hingga kasut pown tercabot... hahaha

esoknye pulakk class photo..... hape lg aq.... mngambil kesempatan dgn baeknya.... muka yg ko nk tgk mcm disebelah kiri ni ye... haha


kinky shooter... hohoho

zackie and his style uollss... takott.... hahaha

overall is...

all the invitations are really cramping me out... hohoho.....


  1. like like!
    mmg bz kot masa tu tapi best gilaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
    kau dahlah handicap tapi menari jugak. =.=

  2. hahahahahaha.... kne berusha dgn susah pyh taw.... hahaha..... agk ssh la....

  3. post yg plg bnyk kenekan syg :PP

  4. blom upload pic ag.... hohoho...tgu... nk upload dah niee.... hohohoh

  5. kuajaq la caption gbr tu,,fine!!!~
