Saturday, January 14, 2012

semalam aku terasa sebak

semalam aku terasa sangat terkecewa dengan diri aku. knp?? sebab semua macam dah nak berakhir dengan perkataan yang sangat membuatkan keadaan akan menjadi lebih tegang kerana tiada..

the end

moving on *tears wiped*

aaaa... what is it i'm gonna write??.. but umm.. ok.. i want to say that my final exam was screwed up.. what is the matter with the people who setup the question or is it me whom not to struggle enough.. accounting alhamdulillah aku lepas.. b-grade.. ok la for non-acCOUNTING person like me to strive.

then towards relation matters it goes wayyyy down the stream with all the junk and tiring stuff.. i mean i have been single for almost a year already and its shocking because i stayed this long. to keep it much more longer is a maybe for me because i cannot say that i will.. getting used to it but yeah, now i social a lot. not like what i used to do with myself and me this time is much more 'corporate' and westernize kinda way..

i'm going to China in few days in order to setup my sister's company and next planning perhaps going to Korea but it still in planning site..

hold up!

what is wring indeed with me exactly?

what is it like to be someone that has a crisis and a big one in his life.. like "oh you need to see the counselor or you can share it with me".. honey i've done that but the result was i end up hearing you talk about yourself and your pathetic love story.. it does not encourage me at all instead i want to kick you... i ain't here to here you smuggle me with all those stories i'm the one who should have done that to you weirdo.. like Rihanna said just gonna stand there and watch burn.. i'm burning is that what i am facing right now..

but it did not turn out to be that horrible hearing those thing because i did learn things from the story u gave me.. 

i want to find something for encouragement for me to stay 'alive' i wanted to go to the bookstore soon looking for books that will actually like the one that i bought previously to sharpen back my lingual say now i rarely speak English at all yeah i can write but when i speak i sounds like i was using standard 4 English language..

provision in this must be taken.. even reading blog also i seldom doing it. i always wanted to be surrounded with an English user people like in Shah Alam.. but yet what i want i did not get it..

i think dah sampai sini kot i ran out of words..


  1. *what is wring indeed with me exactly?*
    did you spell 'wrong'?

    i feel kinda bitchy here.
    did you talked about me - pathetic love story?
    i feel offended.
    but thank God i didn't give any 'consultation' at all after i read them.

    here cuz, what's left is already left.
    yeah, me too need a hell year to forgive and forget, but at least you learn how to manage yourself.
    how you learn to understand 'aku benci orang, orang benci aku' that kinda stuff.
    we can never be perfect, so do they.

    life is a cycle.
    you rode along the way, leave trashes behind, and pickup only the gems.
    do you think this matter is worth to pop your brains out for?

  2. Perhaps, life is not always for us.. I don't know if my advice is useless, but may it be something that u can consider.. Whenever I found difficulties in my life, I return to the one who knows everything, Allah.. Hurting and to be hurt is something that u need in u're life. It make u a man, though. Don't feel sad about what u didn't get. Sometimes it really not meant for u. Or it may not be the best for u.
